Bruzhun, solar delicacies

Chocolatier - Jam - Bread, various products
Bruzhun, bakery, solar delicacies, Lanildut
Bruzhun, chocolate bean-to-bar, Lanildut
Bruzhun, bakery, solar treats, solar oven, Lanildut
Bruzhun,solar delicacies, cocoa pods, Lanildut
Bruzhun, Dijuni, chocolate-hazelnut granola, Lanildut

Why choose this establishment?

Enora and Nicolas offer sourdough bread kneaded by hand and baked in a solar oven, or a wood-fired oven when the weather's bad. So, every week, you can enjoy their classic or specialty breads. And since they're all made with natural sourdough, you can easily store them until the next batch!

Their breads have Breton names:

. Hadenn (semi-wholemeal with seeds)
. Yann-du (buckwheat, wheat, brown Export Stout beer from the Arvarus brewery in Ploumoguer)
. Yell-munut (small spelt)
. Bara bemdez (semi-complete bread)

They also offer preserved products, cooked mainly in solar ovens:
. Cereal bars, granolas, salted roasted seed mixes, aperitif cookies, etc.
. Jams
. Infusions
. Bean-to-bar chocolate, processed on site from bean to bar
. Hazelnut-buckwheat spreads and praline pastes

The ingredients are mostly organically grown and locally produced when crops are available in Brittany...

And by the way, what does "Bruzhun" mean?

Pronounced [Brujune], it means "crumb" in Breton. Crumbs of bread, seeds, chocolate, ... but also the idea that something as tiny as our company can have a powerful impact, if many of us follow this model.

Spoken language(s)

  • French
  • English
  • Breton

Means of payment

  • Payment cards
  • Bank and postal cheques
  • Species
  • Transfer

Opening hours

THURSDAY, from 4:30 to 6:30 pm: in the Tromeur cove in Lanildut (or in the hangar in case of bad weather).
FRIDAY mornings from 8 am to 12 pm at the Ploudalmézeau market
FRIDAY evenings from 5 pm to 7 pm at the Messouflin farm market in Ploumoguer
And directly at the bakery BY APPOINTMENT (contact us by mail or telephone).

Chocolatier - Jam - Bread, various products

Bruzhun, solar delicacies

29840 Lanildut
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