Le Conquet cycling route


Getting around

To the west of Brest lies the Iroise, an area 3 times the size of Paris, where sandy beaches offer a real change of scenery. How do you get there? How do you get around Iroise without your car? We've got the answers!


Coming to Iroise

20 minutes west of Brest

By car, train, coach, plane...the very tip of Brittany is within your reach! 

  • BY TRAIN: Brest station is 20 km from Le Conquet.
    sncf-connect.com or 36 35
  • BY CAR: Brest bus station is 13 km from Saint-Renan
    BreizhGo network: 02 98 90 88 89 | breizhgo.bzh
  • BY COVOITURAGE: ouestgo.fr
  • EN LOUANT UNE VOITURE : agence Sixt à la gare SNCF et à l’aéroport de Brest : 01 70 97 61 11 – service@sixt.fr 
  • BY TAXI:
    Gwen Taxi: 06 80 65 42 41
    Taxi Alba: 02 98 89 40 12
    Blanche Hermine VTC : 06 68 64 33 40
    Several areas are available throughout the region.
  • BY PLANE: Brest-Bretagne airport is 16 km from Saint-Renan
    To reach your vacation destination, you can book a cab or take the bus.

À votre arrivÉE

Location de voiture

À la gare de Brest et à l'aéroport, un service de location de voitures est à votre disposition.


Getting around Iroise

By car and not only!


Bus transport

A star-shaped network from Brest

On the Breizhgo network, the Le Roux and Elorn Bus & Cars company links the Brest bus station to most of the Pays d'Iroise communes. Bus tickets are on sale at our tourist information offices.
NB: it is not possible to take bicycles on board. 

  • Ligne 11 : Le Conquet <-> Brest
    Cette ligne dessert les communes de Locmaria-Plouzané (Pen ar Menez, Trégana), Plougonvelin (Trez Hir, bourg) et Le Conquet (bourg et embarcadère).
    Les voyageurs pour les îles bénéficient de la gratuité à bord sur réservation préalable auprès de la compagnie Penn ar Bed.
  • Ligne 12 : Saint-Renan <-> Brest
  • Ligne 13 : Lampaul-Plouarzel <-> Brest
    Cette ligne dessert les communes de Saint-Renan (gare routière), de Plouarzel (bourg) et de Lampaul-Plouarzel (aire multimodale).
  • Ligne 14 : Ploudalmézeau <-> Brest
    Cette ligne dessert Ploudalmézeau (bourg) et Portsall.
  • Ligne 15 : Milizac-Guipronvel <-> Brest
    Cette ligne dessert Milizac (bourg), Guipronvel (bourg) et Tréouergat (bourg).
  • Ligne 16 : Porspoder <-> Brest
    Cette ligne dessert les communes de Saint-Renan (gare routière), Lanrivaoré, Plourin, Landunvez et Porspoder (parking des dunes).


Transport On Demand

The TAD en Iroise service allows you to travel to Brest from towns not served by regular bus services (Ploumoguer, Trézien, Landunvez, Melon, Lanildut, Brélès). To book your TAD, you have 2 options: contact the BreizhGo call center from Monday to Saturday, 8am to 8pm (price of a local call): 02 99 300 300, or book your transport on demand online: www.breizhgo.bzh/transport-a-la-demande

TAD routes :

131 - TAD Ploumoguer to Brest
132 - TAD Trézien to Brest
141 - TAD Landunvez to Brest
161 - TAD Melon, Lanildut, Brélès to Brest

To book a trip that takes place from Tuesday to Saturday, the reservation must be made by 5pm the day before the trip at the latest.
To book a trip that takes place on Monday, the reservation must be made by 5pm on Friday.
To book a trip that takes place on a public holiday during the week, the reservation must be made an extra day in advance.

Coastal shuttle


The Coastal Shuttle

Juillet - Août

On Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays, forget your car: the Navette du littoral serves all the towns along the coast. Departing from Locmaria-Plouzané, Le Conquet or Trézien, take a comfortable ride along the coast. For hikers on the GR® 34, take the shuttle bus to get there, and walk back to your gîte!



If you miss the bus or the Coastal Shuttle

Cabs are available throughout the region. Hitchhiking also works very well!

address book

Cabs and VTCs

Voici une liste non exhaustive de taxis à votre disposition en Iroise.

VTC Blanche Hermine

À Brest et Alentours

Voiture avec chauffeur

Alternative au taxi, Blanche Hermine VTC vous conduit où vous le souhaitez à Brest et dans sa région.

Vélo Portsall © Emmanuel Berthier



Cycle routes and circuits

The Littorale V45, which runs alongside the sea, and 4 bicycle trails offer a gentle way to discover the area, away from the main roads.


Where to rent a bike

Classic bikes, electric-assist bikes, tandems... There are a number of rental outlets throughout the region.

Click and loc Iroise

bonne idée !

À trottinette électrique

Réservez votre trottinette électrique pour des déplacements faciles et pratiques tout en respectant l'environnement ! Le service de livraison est disponible 7j/7 à Brest et dans les communes de Saint-Renan, Plougonvelin, Locmaria-Plouzané, Le Conquet et Plouarzel.

Crossing the Aber Ildut by boat with Phine la Passeuse


Cross the Aber Ildut by ferry

April to October

Crossing the Aber Ildut by boat is now possible! It takes you from Lampaul-Plouarzel to Lanildut, and vice versa. Whether you're a local, a hiker along the GR34, or a cyclist on the Littorale V45, you'll be able to make the most of this crossing. Come aboard this motorboat named "Phine la Passeuse".

Parking ANC Le Conquet

Departure for the islands

Parking in Le Conquet

Cars and motorhomes

Located 30 minutes by boat from Molène, and 1h15 from Ouessant, the port of Le Conquet is the main departure port for these islands. This proximity means holidaymakers can leave for the day. To ensure that the town remains accessible and pleasant for all, parking in Le Conquet is limited to 2 or 4 hours (blue zone with blue disc display compulsory). Beyond this time limit, several parking lots are available for travelers to the islands. 

Motorhome parks


Motorhome parks

Motorhome owners have plenty of dedicated parking spaces where you can spend the night.


Se déplacer à Ouessant

Sur l’île d’Ouessant, il est possible de louer des vélos, une voiture, de rejoindre le bourg de Lampaul en taxi ou en navette à l’arrivée au port du Stiff ou d’opter pour une visite guidée de l’île en bus.