The island of Molène
Just 1h30 from Brest, Molène offers a charming pied-à-terre in the heart of the Parc Naturel Marin d'Iroise .The Le Conquet - Molène crossing takes half an hour, and there are no cars on the island: we wander around on foot, following our intuition and the 13 interpretation panels that reveal the history of the archipelago and its biodiversity.
We circumnavigate the island (4 km), accompanied all the way by the horizon, the sea and other islets frequented by numerous birds. Then we discover the village, and take time to sit on one of the harbour benches where a few fishermen are busy.
It's GONE!
Go to Molène
There are three ways to get to Molène:
- Shuttles run all year round from Le Conquet or Brest ( Penn ar Bed company).
- De mai à septembre, la compagnie Finist’mer propose la traversée au départ du Conquet et de Lanildut.
- During a tour of the archipelago by speedboat or RIB, you can disembark on the island for a few unforgettable hours.
Free parking in downtown Le Conquet is limited to 4 hours. For a day trip to the Isle of Molène, there is paid parking close to the pier or served by a shuttle bus.
Molène, an island of fishermen
The little port of Molène is the island's liveliest spot. Nestling between the Ledenez ("peninsula" in Breton) to the west and a pebble groove that opens up at low tide to the south, the port is sheltered from all but the most northeasterly winds. Fishing boats and pleasure craft share the water. Regularly scheduled shuttles from the mainland give rhythm to life on the island. Don't hesitate to take the time to sit on the bench facing the harbour and observe. The pleasure of simple things...
On the islands as on the mainland, I collect my garbage because it's not the sea to drink.
COmmerces and services
Du passage en bateau, à la découverte en semi-rigide, l’île de Molène vous propose une offre de services bien achalandée : alimentation, bureau de tabac, presse, crêperie… Les restaurants de l’île vous accueillent avec grand plaisir, sur réservation.
Hiking or walking on Molène?
Take a stroll through the narrow streets of this small village and discover the island's tranquility. There are very few vehicles here, and you may come across the island cab, a tractor or a wheelbarrow. Sheltered behind low dry-stone walls, you'll find small gardens. Molénais grow vegetables and flowers with great care. It's best to walk the 4 km around the island. You'll soon spot the burrows of the shy wild rabbits, the island's true invaders.
A little history...
Immerse yourself in the daily life of the lookouts by visiting the semaphore. Then relive the sinking of the Drummond Castle, a 110 m cruise liner sunk in 1896. This event left its mark on the island's history, and on the memories of the people of Molénais, Ouessantins and the Pays d'Iroise. The English cemetery, the cistern and the three-dial clock bear witness to the terrible shipwreck.