Natural Deco

Decoration - Tableware
naturel-deco le conquet Iroise bretagne
naturel-deco le conquet Iroise bretagne
naturel-deco le conquet Iroise bretagne
naturel-deco le conquet Iroise bretagne
naturel-deco le conquet Iroise bretagne

Why choose this establishment?

Located in the main street of Le Conquet, the Naturel Déco boutique is, according to some, "a nest of finds and harmony...".
The Naturel Déco boutique offers gift ideas, decorative objects, jewelry, handmade creations, paintings, driftwood, textiles, bags...

Spoken language(s)

  • French

Opening hours

The store is open every day in summer and from Tuesday to Sunday from 10:00 to 12:30 and from 15:00 to 19:00.

Decoration - Tableware

Natural Deco

2 rue Poncelin
29217 Le Conquet
Getting there with Google Maps