Club Subaquatique de l'Atlantide

Club subaquatique du Conquet Plongée en mer d'Iroise
Club subaquatique du Conquet Plongée en mer d'Iroise
Club subaquatique du Conquet Plongée en mer d'Iroise
Club subaquatique du Conquet Plongée en mer d'Iroise
Club subaquatique du Conquet Plongée en mer d'Iroise

Why take advantage?

Would you like to discover the diving sites of the Parc Naturel Marin d'Iroise, from 6 to 60 meters? The Club Subaquatique du Conquet offers training courses from beginner to advanced levels, from 8 to 119 years of age. Whether you're a local or just passing through, child or adult, you can take part in dives organized by the club and discover the riches of the Iroise Sea by scuba diving.

Offer or come for a baptism of diving, after a boat trip in the Parc Naturel Marin d'Iroise to reach the diving site, you'll have the chance to have an instructor all to yourself! We might even come across our friends the dolphins, seals or gannets.

Training courses :
Supervised diver to 12m (PE12)
Supervised diver to 20m (level 1)
Supervised diver to 40m (level 2)
Scuba diver to 60m (level 3)

Qualified divers can dive independently on these outings. As you explore the beautiful natural sites of the Iroise Sea, you'll already discover a few wrecks! L'ardoisier, le Vauquois, le Taboga or le Célacante

Diving takes place all year round, weather permitting.

We like

Ideal for : Like a local, Nautism, Sports / Fun, with friends, with children
Suitable for : getting out on the water, meeting new people, seeing the sea
RatesMinimum fee
(in €)
Max. rate
(in €)
Base rate-10€
Introductory rate-40€
Base rate30€35€

Club Subaquatique de l'Atlantide

Lifeboat slipway Port du Conquet
29217 Le Conquet
Getting there with Google Maps